
Philippine Treasures

Golden Tara
The golden Tare is a 5 inches tall and weighs 4 pounds. It is currently located in the Field Museum in Chicago, USA.
This artifact was found by a Manobo woman in agusan del Sur in 1917 and depicts a female Buddhist deity. It dates back to around 900 or 950 A.D and is said to be Indian origin.
Photo credit and source:GMA.TV-Philippine Treasures

Hikaw ng Boljoon
The earring was discovered in an ancient burial site that is believed to be from the 15th-16th century. The discovery of the site supports the theory that Boljoon was populated even before the Spanish friars established a community there.
This earring was been discovered by Philippine archaeologists and is believed to have been worn by tribal chieftains, like the Philippine hero Lapu-Lapu.

photo credit and source: GMA.TV-Philippine Treasures

Maitum jars
In 1991, Philippine archeologists discovered 29 ancient burial jars, each bearing human face representing  different emotions. The jars are believed to be around 2,000 years old. They were found in Maitum Saranggani. They were used by ancient Filipinos as a secondary burial vessel.
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